I had a truly
wonderful visit to your website! I found it to be very informative, designed
well, easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye. It is evident the amount of
time you have put into your website in order to share with others. Your site
is a tribute to genealogy & a valuable resource for the researcher &
genealogy community! I am pleased to award you my Award of Excellence for
your hard work and terrific website!
I enjoyed it [website]
very much and would like to present you with our Keeper of the Souls Award.

I really liked your site |
found your site very appealing and
an asset to the genealogy community! |
Thanks to to all who have taken the time to view the Reeb Families Web
site and who have graced us with an award.
Your site is attractive, informative
and easy to use and offers a valuable service to those doing family
research. Good work! --- GenieSpeak.com |