Participants in the project can now have their MtDNA
analyzed via the sample they provided in the original test. Individuals that
may be interested should go to their personal page on Family Tree DNA
website. Males inherit MtDNA from their mother but do not pass it on to
their children. The genetic markers go from his mother to mother to mother
etc. The analysis will identify your mother's haplogroup and take her back
in time 15,000 years or more to one of the seven European clan mothers.

To date three different Reeb families have
been proven through YDNA testing to be related and share a common
progenitor. The Keskastel, France Reeb family have many men
who match exactly or have 1 or 2 marker mutations. This testing
coupled with thorough genealogical research confirms the relationship. The Zutzendorf, France
Reeb family has five men who match . There have been no new additions to
this group.
The Volga Russian Reeb's, whose origins have
not been found in continental Europe, now have three men who match
exactly. One man lives in the United States and two in Argentina. The
lack of available Russian church records makes for difficult if not
impossible genealogical research. It is thought that these Reebs are
originally from Alsace or Lorraine.
Five participants did not match any of the
above families.

The project has been a grand success so far. We
have obtained proof of various family ties that only DNA testing could
provide. We now know that descendants of the Keskastel area and Zutzendorf
Reeb families have different progenitors and are not recently related.
The number of participants from these families is
sufficient and no more are needed to prove family relationships. Future
participants from men in these two family groups will add to the data base
and confirm or deny their relationship to the families established
There has been no interest and or little participation
from Reeb's representing families from other geographical areas in France,
Germany and Hungary. The Dambach la Ville, France family had one participant
who is the last known male in this line. The one participant from Argentina
has a start on establishing his Reeb haplotype.
Many questions remain concerning Reeb family
relationships that only DNA can answer. In France and America we need
participants from the Reb families from Moselle, France. Also from France
the Reeb family who operates a hotel by that name in Marlenheim and have
roots to Hohatzenheim, Alsace. There are others from France and a dozen or
more with roots in Germany and Hungary. We have a long way to go in this DNA
study to meet the objectives of identifying family relationships, most
recent common ancestors and advancing Reb-Reeb genealogy.
Like the US Marines we need a few good Reeb men to take
the DNA mouth swab test. You can contact me or sign yourself up Family Tree
DNA and receive reduced group rates. The Reeb group
study is open ended meaning there is no time restraints on enrollment

Reeb males from across the U.S. and elsewhere have taken the simple mouth-swab
DNA test. All but two have complete genealogies dating back 350 years or
more. All are ethnically Germanic and except for one, trace back to Alsace,
France. Their surnames are Reeb or an early American derivation (Rape, etc.)
based on the German pronunciation. DNA test results have been posted by FTDNA for ten participants.
Each participant has or will receive an analysis of his 25-marker (loci)
of the Y chromosome, which is presented in numbers. The numbers for each
marker represent the units of repeating DNA segments. All 25 represent his
DNA code.
When all the markers match exactly with another male, they are
related and have a common progenitor. Those sharing exact matches on all
‘loci’ form a haplotype. A participant who matches 11 out of 12 or 24 of 25
is also related and becomes part of a haplogroup. Where genealogical
evidence exists, the one marker off is considered a mutation. Mutations can
occur at any time and vary between families. When no genealogical evidence
of relationship exists it means a more distant family tie, perhaps back
before man took a surname.
Surprise and disappointment best describes my emotions on receiving
initial DNA test results. I was of the opinion the Reebs had a common
progenitor. DNA has proven that theory wrong. One participant with
genealogical records did not match with any of the others. This means he
represents an entirely different Reeb family or there was an irregular birth
or adoption involved. Another man’s initial analysis fit the above category,
but his kit is being re-analyzed due to a lab problem.
We now know that the Vosges Mtns of France separate two different
Reeb families and possibly a third. On the west side is the Keskastel area
clan and on the east side are the Zutzendorf and Dambach le Ville area
families. There is only one participant for the latter place, so a haplotype
for the family is not assured. For that matter, a few more test results are
needed to establish the haplotype of the Keskastel and Zutzendorf people.
This DNA information indicates that two, possibly three different
families took the surname Reb-Reeb about 750 years ago. Perhaps there should
be no surprise when one considers the abundance and importance of the “Nobel
vine” in Alsace.

Where from Here
Additional DNA testing will answer
the several lingering questions concerning the Reeb families:
1.Zutzendorf Reeb
Are the two Reeb families of Zutzendorf directly related? Is the
untested family related to the Keskastel group or are they an entirely
different Reeb family? Genealogical records cannot answer this question.
Recruitment of this family is underway.
2. Dambuch le ville Reeb
Does this single
participants DNA analysis represent the haplotype of that Reeb family? We
need at least one more and preferably two participants to confirm the
3. Keskastel Reeb
Can the USA genealogical records on descendants of Peter, Gustavus,
Nicolaus and Michael be re-confirmed? Can more test results make it possible
to sort our most recent common ancestors? Church and notary records tied to
DNA should provide a probable answer.
4. German Reeb
Are the German Reeb families directly related to any of the French Families?
5. Austro Hungarian
and Russian Reeb
Are these families directly related to any of the French or German
Reb or Reebs? We have one participant with Russian roots and none from
All the above point to the need
to obtain more participants. The Reeb Group DNA project is open ended. View our firms Family
tree DNA website on the Internet for more information.
Michael C. Reeb,
Reeb Group Project Co-coordinator